The bylaws specify that all committees must have at least one board member. The president appoints all committees, subject to board approval at its first organizational meeting. Committee chairs will receive the names of the persons of their committees, descriptions and responsibilities which should be shared with their committees. The president is a member of all committees. The executive director is a resource and facilitator and ex-officio member of all committees. Committee chairs may add members to their committees, with the approval of the president and the board.

Committees should meet as often as necessary to complete their assignments in a timely manner.

Committees wishing to meet the day of and prior to the board meeting should notify the WAA office so space can be arranged. The chairperson should appoint someone to take written notes.

Committees should identify their goals, develop a timeline of when/how to implement them; prepare and submit a budget for board approval; and review them frequently to gauge progress. Committee recommendations should be supplied to the WAA office three weeks prior to the next board meeting so material can be included in the advance board packet.

New recommendations with income/expense budget, if one, must be submitted in writing two weeks prior to the board meeting giving sufficient time for review prior to the meeting. All WAA functions must be self-supporting unless otherwise approved by the board. No person or committee can incur financial obligation without approval of the board.

At completion of committee project(s), all records must be forwarded to and permanently retained in the WAA office. Requests for disbursements must be accompanied by a signed check authorization form.

The Board should not act as a committee of the whole but should consider and act upon each committee’s recommendation (accept, reject, amend, or refer it back to the committee).

Committees should submit articles and information to communicate to the membership. Electronic submission is preferred–late submissions will be accepted as space allows. Submission does not guarantee publishing. Questionable articles will be referred to the communication committee.

Committee members are encouraged to recruit five new members each year and mentor them to make sure they are happy with their membership.

Committee members are representatives of the Wisconsin Auctioneers Association and should conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Their conduct reflects on the association as a whole as well as the auction industry.

If these policies and procedures conflict with the Bylaws, the Bylaws shall take precedence.

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