WI Auctioneers Partner With Dairy Breakfast

Jun 7, 2023 | WAA Member News |

The Dane County Dairy Breakfast on the Farm is going to add a unique element to their annual event this Saturday – adding an auction!

It was the idea of family member, Riley Kahl, when he found out his home farm would be hosting the event that routinely attracts more than 5,000 guests. Kahl is the current president of the Wisconsin Auctioneers Association. Kahl says today many people have never experienced the excitement of a live, face-to-face auction, so he worked to change that.

Saturday at 11:30, after everyone’s enjoyed their fill of dairy knowledge and a wonderful meal, Riley and his fellow auctioneers will take to the stage and conduct an auction. He says they’ll rotate between available WAA members available to give the audience a sense of different auctioneering styles and delivery.

Source: WI Auctioneers Partner With Dairy Breakfast – Mid-West Farm Report (midwestfarmreport.com)

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