Renew Your Membership

Wisconsin Auctioneers Association invites you to renew your membership for 2022. Our association is growing, and we want you to be part of the excitement! We are implementing many new and exciting things in 2022 that you won’t want to miss! Our member benefit package also continues to grow with new benefits being added regularly to save you money both for your business and your personal use. Based on your feedback, we have several new benefits that will help you grow and promote your business.

Enclosed you will find a 2022 WAA membership form for your dues for next year, you may fill this out and send it in or you may call the office (608-228-4880) to process your payment on your credit card. We are also sending out email invoices that you can pay online.

You will also find the list of the Board of Directors along with how to apply to be on the Board. Also enclosed is the current committee list. We would love to have you get involved by joining a committee! All you need to do is find one that interests you and then contact the chairperson for that committee.

The dates for our 2022 Conference are February 4th, 5th, & 6th at the Radisson Conference Center in Fond du Lac, WI. We have some amazing activities and inspiring speakers lined up for the conference! You won’t want to miss this one! The theme for this year’s conference is “Thunder Rolls… Empowering ourselves through the storms”.

Membership renewals after December 15th will be subject to a $25 administrative fee.

WAA looks forward to you renewing your membership. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call.