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This bill expands provisions allowing individuals who hold a license,
certification, registration, or permit that was granted by another state to apply for
and receive a reciprocal credential in this state.
Under current law, an individual may not engage in certain professions or
assume certain titles in this state unless the individual holds a credential issued by
the Department of Safety and Professional Services or a credentialing board with
authority to oversee the profession or practice. In certain circumstances, an
individual who holds a license, certification, or registration from another jurisdiction
that authorizes or qualifies the applicant to perform acts that are substantially the
same as those acts authorized by a Wisconsin credential may obtain a “reciprocal
credential.” Current law generally provides two methods for obtaining a reciprocal
1. Under one of numerous provisions allowing DSPS or a credentialing board
to grant a reciprocal credential if certain conditions are met. These provisions do not
exist for every profession, and generally require that the requirements in the other
jurisdiction in which the individual is licensed, certified, or registered have
requirements that are similar to or substantially equivalent to those under
Wisconsin law.
2. Under a “universal” provision that requires DSPS or a credentialing board
to issue a reciprocal credential if certain conditions are met. This provision does not
require that the other jurisdiction's requirements for granting the license,
credential, or registration be similar to or substantially equivalent to those under
Wisconsin law and is not limited to specific professions or occupations. However, it
is available only to service members, former service members, or the spouses of a
service member or former service members who reside in this state. In addition, it
requires that the individual be in good standing with the governmental authorities
in every jurisdiction outside this state that have granted the license, credential, or
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