Wisconsin Auctioneers Association

We strive for excellence in everything we do

We build trust through transparency.


The Wisconsin Auctioneers Association actively advocates for the auction industry through grassroots lobbying and a WAA legislative fund. Member engagement and donations are key to the success.

Code of Ethics

The auction business is said to be the medium through which the lifeblood of the nation attains greater momentum and brings to the nation greater balance, prosperity and stability.

Hall of Fame

Meet our Hall of Fame members.


Meet our State Champions.

Past Presidents

Meet our Past Presidents.

Board of Directors

Meet our Board of Directors

Our Mission

Our Mission is to educate, promote and protect the auction industry of Wisconsin:

to encourage Auctioneers; to enhance skills, knowledge and professionalism;

to promote the auction method of marketing for sale of real and personal properties.

How We Can Help You

By scheduling meetings with informational programs and opportunities for fellowship among members; providing communication to members; sponsoring activities to increase members’ knowledge and skill; maintaining watch over governmental activities, rules and statutes that may affect the auctioneering profession.

Our Core Values

  • To encourage new auctioneers, to enhance skills, knowledge and professionalism of all Wisconsin auctioneers;
  • To promote the concept of the auction method of marketing, both for sale of real and personal properties, to consumers – especially to potential auction buyers and sellers – throughout Wisconsin.
  • To serve fellow citizens by actively participating in national, state, community and church activities.

Contact Us for More Information

5 + 6 =

…the Memories of the Past, the Best of the Present and Forward into the Future.

1. Excellence

We will strive for excellence in everything we do; in our services, in our product offerings, in their value, in our relationships and in our financial performance.

2. Quality

We are committed to continuous improvements in the quality of all our products and services provided to members. We believe quality is a key to member satisfaction.

3. Trust

We build trust through transparency.

4. Sustainability

We will look to create programs and services with long-term sustainability, not short-term quick fixes.

5. Inspiration

We create programs and services that will inspire auctioneers. We look to add hope and joy to the lives of the people we encounter.

6. Integrity

The Associations integrity is the foundation for all our activities. Professional. Reliable. Trustworthy. Our integrity is a critical asset and we are committed to upholding it. We set high standards, and we abide by them as we practice business fairly and behave ethically. We share our expectations with each other and strive to maintain an environment built on mutual values and trust.

7. Honesty

We are committed to doing what’s right, without exception. Every decision we make and every action we take must follow the highest ethical and moral standards. We will be honest and truthful, striving to keep all commitments.

8. Teamwork

We work in partnership with the National Auctioneers Association to achieve mutual goals. Trust and respect are the foundations of our team approach.

9. Respect

Respecting each other and treating each other like we’d like to be treated is critically important to us. We will look to develop our members to their fullest potential, working together to accomplish our mutual goals.

10. Member Focus

We are committed to meeting and when possible exceeding the needs of our members and constantly focus on member satisfaction. We recognize that we can prosper only if we anticipate and meet our members needs, respond quickly and fulfill their expectations.

11. Results

Our focus will be on results. Thus we will strive to recognize and reward those people who achieve outstanding results helping to bring increased value to our Association.

12. People

We will attract, motivate, and retain people in all areas of our Association.

Membership Options

Full Membership

The future of the auction industry and the future of our association is very bright, we encourage you to be an active member in the Wisconsin Auctioneers Association.

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What does your membership in the Wisconsin Auctioneers Association do for you? Do you utilize your membership in the WAA as a source for continuing education, a place to network with other auction professionals, or perhaps you are a new auctioneer taking advantage of the mentor program. The WAA can be a great resource for all auction professionals but as we have learned in the WAA, as in life, you get out of it what you put into it. We encourage you to at the very least attend the annual convention. The convention is the one place you can find a group of auction professionals willing to share a wealth of information with everyone. Join a committee. You do not have to be on the board to serve on a committee.

WAA Professional Auctioneers:

  • Are Licensed by the State of Wisconsin
  • Must abide by State/Federal Regulations including Uniform Commercial Code, Sherman Act, ATF, Bankruptcy Laws
  • Must attend Ongoing Continuation Education
  • Adhere to a strict Code of Ethics
  • Keep abreast of trends in the marketplace
  • Must be knowledgeable and honest to protect consumers
  • Attend state and national conferences, seminars and workshops
  • Network with other professionals to improve service to consumers


Auxiliary Membership

The WAA Auxiliary consists of spouses of auctioneers. They may hold two meetings per year in addition to workshops and fundraising events, such as the Convention pie auctions.

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Purpose: To support the association and its members. The auxiliary annual elects its own officers and defines its own programs. Membership is voluntary; WAA includes dues payment option on annual dues statement: staff does bookkeeping, prepares deposits, writes checks, invests surplus, if any, under the guidance of the WAA treasurer. WAA auxiliary submits articles, scholarship application for publishing by staff; selects scholarship recipient and announces award at conference banquet; Auxiliary meets at conferences.


Conference Only

In addition to great networking opportunities, you can also get all of your required Wisconsin Continuing Education Credits by attending our Conferences.

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About WAA

The Wisconsin Auctioneers Association is a non-profit trade association that exists for the purpose of promoting the growth and professionalism of the auction method of marketing and Auctioneering in the State of Wisconsin.


We will conduct all association Business with transparency and ethical standards that will instill confidence in all Auctioneers and will serve as a basis for non-members to become active members in the association

We value our Board Members, their commitment and dedication in serving and their willingness to contribute to support our cause.

We value and respect those Associations that have paved the way and always look to apply “Best Practices” to our business while constantly pushing the envelope for new and innovative ideas.

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