Junior livestock auction in Placer County goes big to help feed the hungry

Meat, it’s going to be what’s for dinner for quite a while in these parts – and beyond.

Feed the Hungry of Auburn has attended the Gold Country Fair Junior Livestock Auction for 30 years, supporting the FFA and 4-H kids who are selling their animals after raising them since birth, then donating the meat to The Salvation Army, various food closets, rescues and other organizations.

Craig Hollyfield, who along with wife Nita, Michelle Fish and Ken Tokutomi founded Feed the Hungry, said the nonprofit usually receives a donation or two each year, but they were stunned last Saturday (Sept. 11) as the donations, with auctioneer Matt Wolter giving an occasional mention, grew … and grew … and grew – to 15 donated animals.

“We were completely overwhelmed emotionally because we had more donated animals than we had ever had,” Hollyfield said. “People would buy a $3,000 hog or a $2,000 lamb and say, ‘We’re going to donate this to Feed the Hungry.’ Not take it home or to a wholesaler, they’re going to put it right back into our community.”

“We were just in shock, total shock,” Fish said. “And we would look at each like deer in headlights – oh my God, there’s another donation. In a time in our world with COVID and the state of our state and our nation, you’re just blown away at the gifts.”… Read Full Article | https://plantingseedsblog.cdfa.ca.gov/wordpress/?p=23381

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