Josh Loewensteiner Conference Speaker

Nov 26, 2023 | WAA Conventions

Josh Loewensteiner, is an enthusiastic 1st Generation auctioneer. Josh’s family had been in the dairy business for more than 5 generations before him and he grew up helping his father, Uncle, and Grandfather with chores around their farms and going to cattle, land, and equipment auctions. He was fascinated with the auctioneer’s chant as a child.

Growing up in Morristown, New Jersey, Josh was very involved in high school sports and other activities. He was a county record holder in three events in men’s swimming (one record stood from 1997 until 2017) and as served as President of the Morristown High School Student Government during his Senior year.

Josh attended Bentley University and graduated with a BS in Finance and started a career in the Life insurance business, first as an intern at John Hancock, then, upon graduating he developed a regional office for a large independent brokerage which now exists with more than 15 people employed there.

Josh’s life insurance career took him to Sun Life Financial and Phoenix Life Insurance Co. where he excelled in selling Variable Universal Life and was awarded sales awards for his achievements. Josh’s final stop in the life insurance industry came in 2006 when he joined TIAA-CREF as a Regional Director and was responsible for Life insurance and annuity sales in a 13 state territory. During this time, Josh sold more than $130 million dollars in life insurance premium and more than $300 million dollars in annuities making him eligible for the Million Dollar Round Table’s prestigious “TOP OF THE TABLE” for the top .1% of all life insurance producers worldwide. Josh was part of the “TOP OF THE TABLE” for 6 years while at TIAA-CREF and vastly outsold his teammates winning numerous performance awards each year during his tenure there.

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