Eldon F. Schraepfer, long time area auctioneer and realtor, passed away on Monday morning, January 6, 2020 at Upland Hills Hospital in Dodgeville at the age of 86. After graduation, Eldon was engaged in farming. He began his auctioneer career in 1956 under the...
R. Jerome Boge, husband, father, papa to ten grandchildren, radiation physicist, and auctioneer extraordinaire, died suddenly at home Saturday, March 21, 2020. Jerome decided to look into auctioneering as an avocation and a respite from his intense work with cancer...
John M “Jack” Reynolds Jr., age 92, of Dodgeville died on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at Uplands Hills Hospital. In 1959 Jack graduated from Reich School of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa. He loved being an auctioneer. Jack sold household and antique...
Wiese, Frederic Lee age 57, Passed away in the arms of his loving wife and soulmate Kristine on August 2nd after a brief illness and after beating cancer twice. He was a talented Auctioneer who loved doing Benefits