The most expensive piece of wireless related equipment is a German Enigma coding (ciphering/enciphering) machine sold for £24,172.50 ($38,047.50) when it came to auction at Phillips Bond Street, London, UK, in April 1993. The above amounts are equivalent to...
The highest price ever paid for a telegram is $68,500 (£45,850) at Sotheby’s, New York, USA, on 11 December 1993 by Alberto Bolaffi of Turin, Italy, for the congratulatory telegram sent by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev to Yuri Gagarin on 12 April 1961 after...
The highest price paid for a piece of wireless receiver equipment is £;15,997 ($24,638) for a Marconi Multiple Tuner (1907–12) at Phillips Bayswater, UK on 11 May 1993.