2023 Iowa Corn Classic

Iowa State Fairgrounds 3000 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

February 11, 2023   |   1:00 PM Bid Calling Contest Hosted by Iowa Auctioneers Association $5000 Cash Prize & Championship Buckle Iowa State Fairgrounds  -  Penningroth Sales Center In Partnership with the Iowa Beef Expo An auctioneer competition to crown the best bid caller. Period The Iowa Corn Classic Open Auctioneer Championship contest is awarding our finalists more than $9000 in prize money. This is your chance to stand out in the Midwest. The inaugural Iowa Corn Classic Open Auctioneer Championship has been developed to propel our champions into the national spotlight during the famous, widely covered Iowa Beef Expo. To enter, complete online registration and payment. This contest has a maximum of 25 contestants. Register by February 3, 2023 to ensure inclusion in brochures and event materials. Enter now and get into the running to be named the Iowa Corn Classic Grand Champion!

Register to Compete for the IAC Title

Omni Hotels and Resorts 100 West Oklahoma City Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK, United States

Are you a top auctioneer looking to showcase your skills and compete against the best of the best? Then, the 2023 International Auctioneer Championship (IAC) is the perfect opportunity for you! The IAC is a prestigious competition that welcomes auctioneers from various backgrounds, including livestock, auto, real estate, and benefit auctioneers. This year's competition is on July 21, 2023, in Oklahoma City, and registration is open. Take advantage of the chance to connect with fellow auctioneers, gain recognition, and potentially become an IAC Champion. Secure your spot today! Deadline to register is May 31.

International Livestock Auctioneer Competition

Nutrien Western Event Center 1800 Stampede Trail SE, Calgary, AB, Canada

Thirty-five? Thirty-five? Would you bid a thirty-five? Who's gonna bid it at a thirty-five dollar bid? The fastest mouths in the west will be at it again this year during the International Livestock Auctioneer Competition in the Nutrien Western Event Centre vying to win the $10,000 cheque that goes to the winner! Competitors will be judged on rhythm, clarity, voice control, and livestock knowledge, as well as their ability to spot bids and conduct a sale. Finalists will be required to sell brand consignment cattle and one Black Box item. You are welcome to get involved in the fun and excitement by bidding on any black box items that catch your eye. Proudly presented by the Calgary Stampede Livestock Competitions Committee For more information, please contact Sue Peterson, Agriculture Programming Manager email: speterson@calgarystampede.com

Bid Calling Contest and Benefit Auction

Dakotaland Stage State Fairgrounds Huron, SD, United States

The South Dakota Auctioneers Association Bid Calling Contest and Benefit Auction will be held on Sunday, Sept. 3, at 2 p.m. on the Dakotaland Stage at the State Fair, Huron. The Auctioneers are once again partnering with the South Dakota Youth Foundation, Inc. to support its community-based Teens As Teachers program. The goal of the South Dakota Youth Foundation is to help youth develop Character and live a healthy lifestyle. Teens As Teachers mentor and teach elementary students lessons in CHARACTER COUNTS! and Healthy Youth. The sale bill features 41 items donated for the benefit auction and bid calling contest including plenty of tech, antiques, camping supplies, South Dakota State University Jackrabbit tickets and more. Both Jackrabbit and Minnesota Twins fans have reason join in the bidding: Camping supplies courtesy of Jack’s Campers; • Custer Vacation Rental — 5 nights; • SDSU Jackrabbit vs North Dakota State/Dakota Marker Game — Nov. 4; • An Apple Watch (Series 8); • iPad; • Official NCAA Autography ball signed by SDSU Coach Henderson;  4 wristband passes – good for unlimited attraction rides for 1 day and cave tour at Rushmore Cave; • Collectible Poster Summit League Coach of the Year, SDSU’s Coach Henderson; […]

Mile High Auctioneer Championship

National Western Stock Show

Mile High Auctioneer Championship will held at the National Western Stock Show with $15,000 Prize Money To Be Awarded! The Mile High Auctioneer Championship is an open, auctioneer bid calling competition that is held during the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado on January 20, 2024 in the Beef Palace Arena. Limited to the first, 30 contestant registrations. $15,000 Prize Money To Be Awarded To The TOP 5 Finalists: * Champion awarded $10,000 * Reserve Champion awarded $2,500 * 3rd Place awarded $1,250 * 4th Place awarded $750 * 5th Place awarded $500 REGISTRATION WILL BE OPEN SOON

2024 Illinois State Auctioneer Championship

Illinois State Fair

Join us on Wednesday, August 14th for the 2024 Illinois State Auctioneer Championship that will be held during the Illinois State Fair! Illinois auctioneers will compete at 10 AM on the Lincoln Stage at The Illinois State Fair for the opportunity to be crowned the 2024 Illinois State  Champion Auctioneer!  We are excited to host the LIVE Auction Championship on our Facebook page; Illinois State Auctioneers Association - ISAA.   This event is is Open To The Public. FREE To Attend. Cheer for your favorite auctioneer competitor. Join Us & Register Bid To WIN on items being auctioned off by the contestants. At 5:00pm, the Champion and Reserve Champion will participate in the Auctioneers' Team at the 2024 Governor’s Sale of Champions! * The crowned Illinois State Champion and Reserve Champion Auctioneers will participate in the Illinois Governor's Sale of Champions later that afternoon at the Illinois State Fair.  (To watch this event LIVE, Click the Link HERE: https://multimedia.illinois.gov/fair/saleofchampions.html)   If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the Illinois State Auctioneers Association, please contact Cissy Tabor, Executive Director, (312) 702-2117 or isaadirector@gmail.com

SD Auctioneers Association State Bid Calling Championship

South Dakota State Fair South Dakota

South Dakota Auctioneers Association will be hosting the Bid Calling State Contest at the South Dakota State Fair. You need to be a member of the SDAA and be in good standing to compete. Upon winning, you will host the fun auction at the South Dakota Auctioneers Convention in June and emcee the next year's contest.

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